Community Spotlight

The Mackay region is home to a large, diverse and vibrant community of people living in our rural farming areas, in the tranquil of the pioneer valley and along its gorgeous coastline.

Being a family based business, Sinclair Meats focuses on the heart of its community and is committed to engaging and giving back to the people in it.

Community Sausage Sizzle
Each Saturday we host a Community BBQ held at Mackay City (Alfred Street) Store from 9am to 1pm.  Any charity, fundraiser, club, school or organisation can apply to participate.

Unlike other popular sausage sizzle destinations, we donate everything you require to hold a fantastic fundraising event. You just bring the people power!

For more information, email to book your spot today.

This week’s community hosted BBQ is for the Mackay Buffalo Club. Come down to Mackay City, Alfred Street this Saturday between 9am and 1pm and get that famous Saturday sausage and bread!

Community Donations
Every year Sinclair Meats Mackay donates to many community organisations. Our company policy limits the amount of donations per year, but we hold the community Sausage sizzle all year round so that no community organisation / charity misses out. Send us an email if you would like to book a Saturday.


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